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More teas and their benefits :


 Bergamot  - digestion problems


Chamomile - diarrhoea, nausea, reflux and abdominal cramps including period pain


Cinnamon - a warming tonic that improves digestive problems too


Fennel - served with honey for indigestion,great for babies with colic


Ginger - a tummy tonic for nausea, diarrhoea, indigestion and cramping


Hibiscus - it is helpful for the inflammation of mucus membranes such as sore throats, gum disease and cystitis. It also reduces blood pressure.


Lemongrass - Another tea to aid digestion and also helpful for headaches and good for nervous exhaustion.


Peppermint- good for colds and also helps relieve the hot flashes of menopause.


Raspberry Leaf - raspberry leaf tea helps relieve morning sickness. Two to three cups per day can lead to an easier delivery.


Dandelion Root -  liver function, arthritis, gout, skin outbreaks, high blood pressure, swelling and abnormal blood pressure, an effective adjunct treatment for cancer and other chronic inflammatory diseases due to its gently blood cleansing and detoxifying qualities.


Turmeric - regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves cramps, aids digestion, dissolves gallstones and helps support healthy liver function.


Ginseng - reduces risk of developing cancer, relief from menstrual problems, reduction in obesity, improvement of digestive disorders, and a boosted immune system, as well as improving signs of mental distress, asthma, arthritis, and sexual problems.


Echinacea - will help reduce inflammation and fight bacteria and boost your immune system




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